Monday, August 11, 2008

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

Don't panic Mom, it's not as bad as it sounds...

Before justifying today's title, let me make up for lost ground. Wendy pointed out that I have not mentioned two significant items. If she wants something done right, she is learning she'll have to do it herself :).

First, many of you know that due to an exception on page 24 under the miscellaneous section of the student health program handbook, DMBA (my health insurance provider) has decided not to pay a penny of my medical expenses. As a mathematician I am pretty sure there isn't a number large enough to describe how much we owe in medical bills. However, on Saturday we got notice that our Medicaid application has been approved. We still have to pay part of the bill, but not too much. We are breathing a sigh of relief. Thanks to all you faithful tax payers!

Next, our generous neighbors have given me a recliner that has revolutionized my invalid life. It is an electric recliner that lays all the way back and also sits you all the way up into almost a standing position. It is very easy to get in and out of and is very comfortable. I have missed having a bed that can sit up or lay down so the recliner has been very nice. Thanks Todd!

Now, on to today's news. As I mentioned on Saturday's entry, I walked a few steps. Today I had therapy again and I was anxious to show off my new skills. I asked them to provide a couple of people for spotters and then positioned myself a few feet away from the practice steps. I figured I would walk my 5 feet and be done. However, the therapists were all so impressed they wanted more. So we turned around and headed out toward the hall. I made it about 35 feet to a chair and sat down. After a break they were asking for more, however this time I had only one spotter, Alan, and I was pretty tired. I made it another 5 feet and my legs gave out. Alan let me down pretty softly onto my left knee but he wasn't able to support my weight. So I found myself just outside the gym on my hands and knees trying to figure out how to stand up. It took a couple of people to get me back up, but we managed. The exciting part was walking a total of 45 feet without ANY assistance devices! It's not pretty or graceful and I move pretty slowly, but I can do it.

The last time I worked with Alan was the Saturday I went home for my overnight pass and I wore myself out so much working on the walker that I threw up in a bucket from the practice kitchen. After today's experience I think Alan is afraid to work with me!

After my walking adventure I worked out on the total gym, practiced climbing stairs (which I did quite well) and then worked on fall recovery. Fall recovery was really hard, even with furniture. My legs aren't strong enough to pick me up when my knees are really bent. I think Alan could tell I was working hard because at one point he said: "Remember, the floor isn't so bad either. You can always put some pillows and blankets down there and take a break until you have enough energy or someone can help you up." I did manage to get myself back up for the record.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I got your phone call before I read the blog so I didn't have to panic :) You're making tremendous progress...we're soooo excited for you and can't wait to see your walking skills in person!

Sara Liechty said...

Way to go Jeremy! Keep it up! I'm so glad that Medicade came though for you! What a blessing!

Tom Rod said...

I gladly pay medicaid and medicare for folks like you and folks like grandma :-) We're proud of you and your dedication. Keep it up!